As winter sets in I will be out and about checking on the local wildlife and documenting what I find with camera and journal. Most of what I expect to locate is animal sign, mainly tracks. It fascinating to read a new page of animal activity on a blanket of fresh snow. Who passed by and what were they doing?
By following the animals tracks it is possible to learn something of the animals behavior. For example a weasel will rarely pass up a hole in a stone pile or a burrow to investigate in its quest for food. The weasel is a study in motion, always on the move. It is fun to find their tracks stitching back and forth along and across their line of travel.
Of coarse there is always the possibility of spotting something still standing in their tracks. To do so you must remain quite and use all the stealth of a hunting bobcat. Always remaining on the lookout for something that doesn't belong, the most productive way is to spot a part of the animal then the whole animal will become more obvious.
As time permits I will be posting new entries from my current journal as well as some of the more interesting entries from years gone by, hope you enjoy!